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Meet your English teacher Altynee P!

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Altynee P

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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
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About myself
My name is Altynee P! I am an experienced and certified ESL teacher. I have been teaching English to students from all over the world since 2020. My students are from 5 to 65 years old, from beginners to advanced learners. I am eager to assist any student who strives for success while learning foreign languages. I know it is not easy at times, but I am always here to help my students and motivate them to keep studying. Likewise, I am extremely passionate about teaching, and I am willing to take a mile for my students to learn more. For me, teaching is about inspiring and encouraging my students to become the best they can be in a fun and engaging way. My Superpower is I can talk while I am singing. Bye for now, and I hope to see you in one of my classes!
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Altynee P

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map markerPhilippines
user languageNear-native
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